Monday, December 22, 2008

Portland gets blasted!

It's been snowing here for over a week. First we had snow, then more snow, then ice and now more snow. There's an accumulation of over a foot and even more is expected. It may not begin to melt until Christmas day. The cookies are baked, gifts have been purchased and wrapped... now we see what this weather does. With many family members snowbound and some without power or water, we may be having a very quiet holiday. Many businesses and retail stores are closed. Chains are required in the Portland metropolitan area. My husband unburied the Suburban today to rescue some friends who are without power at their house. Bus service in our area was canceled. As a panic reflex, I cooked. I made a few extra meals and we delivered dinner to my parents who are housebound nearby. So far our power has stayed on, and we're warm and cozy and very grateful.

This is the view from our front porch yesterday before any foot traffic made tracks...
Where did the stairs go?

Disappearing stairs

Isabel is all bundled up and ready to take the trek up the hill to where we parked the car...

Isabel in the snow


Bruce Anderson said...

hey - thanks for visiting my blog...argh! you got so much snow, feel a bit bad for complaining about our little snow here in france. Ah, well, I'm from Los Angeles, so any snow demands a complaint. Your chicks are so beautiful and your dog is too. Nice to follow a blog in the US, only follow a couple, but they have nothing to do with chickens.

My chickens won't roost high - we have something for them to roost high, but nope...they huddle all together in their nesting box and i clean the poop out every morning.

oatmeal with raisins...ah what a great idea on a cold morning, my kids will be getting that tomororw.

Susan said...

Oh, I love your dog and your house and Isabel is just a darling! That smile....I can just tell she's a real sweetie-pie! Everything looks so pretty wrapped up a coat of white! Of course, it can make life very difficult if you have to go out in it.

How lovely that you have your parents close and can look in on them and bring meals. I'll bet Isabel loves having them nearby.

Peace, love and happiness at Christmas and all the year long.
