Friday, May 29, 2009

sweet surprises...

My daughter wrote this beautiful poem and I just had to share...


A streak of light peeks over the ocean
Hits the water and makes it glisten

The wet rocks glow like a fire's light
Waiting to glow again after night

The sun is low in the pale blue sky
Busting in flame and never shy

Barefoot people walk on the sand
Watching it all, there I stand

In the cool water I am waiting
Waiting for the sights of morning


Susan said...

Oh, tell Isabel that I think her poem is lovely! It gave a little boost to my day and I could picture her standing by the ocean watching the sun rise. I think you have a budding poet there!

Cindy said...

Thanks Susan, I'll pass your message on to her. She didn't like this one... thought it was too serious.

Theresa said...

Hey, tell Isabel that her poem has some really cool imagery. And I like the "watching" and "waiting" - makes me what to know what happens next.

Cindy said...

Thanks Tee, I just return from a poetry tea at her school where each kid read a poem or two from the ten plus they wrote this year. She did great... it's always fun to see her in this environment where she is so poised and grown up acting.