Remember my knitting frenzy a few years ago? If not, you can read about it here. And here. Hats, specifically, were planted on the heads of friends and family members, whether they wanted them there or not. My mother-in-law requested a hat. Great! I'd love to knit one for you! I chose this beautiful green wool yarn. She chose the style. Knit. Knit. Knit. Stop. An entire year passes. Knit. Knit. Stop. Another entire year passes. The unfinished hat is still on circular needles.
Today I finally took it off the needles to check for size. It looks a bit large, but we’ll see...
Do you have any projects that you’ve been putting off? Why are you procrastinating?
Yep, I even wrote a song about it. Well, Carly Simon wrote the song, I just changed the words. :)
Great post on procrastinating, HappyGirl! Putting things off is always so much more exhausting than the task itself. Fun song! Taking time to do something creative is always high on my list.
I have done that exact bit of project procrastination myself, although I did finally complete the knitted hat after year two. :)
I does drain you to have those uncompleted projects floating around your head, but the desire to create runs high.
Your post inspired me to run out and buy a couple of nice skeins - now almost done with a simple, roll-brim hat. Thanks!
Your post inspired me to run out and buy a couple of nice skeins - now almost done with a simple, roll-brim hat. Thanks!
Jazgal, Yeah! glad I could inspire you! I'm thinking of trying to find a good knitting group this winter. I was in one a few years ago. I was the youngest person there, which is great for learning new stuff, but it would be more fun with some young hip girls like us.
Sometimes it just takes a visual to push me into action. I actually finished my first little hat project this morning, and reasonably pleased with it.
I could be interested in a knitting group with gals our age - that sounds like fun. I would certainly benefit from working around someone with more experience. :)
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