Don't get me wrong, I do very much love the desert. The simplicity of the scenery. The dry air. The quiet. There is a lack of visual stimulation that I find very calming. Small bursts of color here go a long way.
The trail led us to this extraordinarily beautiful oasis. A place called Dutch Henry Falls. More land owned by The Nature Conservancy.
Quite an amazing contrast to the surrounding desert landscape.

Very challenging for those who had to string nets...

The net stringers had slippery moss covered rocks that shift under foot to contend with. One wrong step and their chest high waders could be quickly filled with water.
We were very content to be spectators on this excursion.

I do like more simple scenery sometimes, too. I forgot to tell you on the last post that my sister-in-law is an attorney for The Nature Conservancy at the national headquarters in Virginia. I'm going to link your posts to her.
How sweet that Bailey got to go with you!
Susan, all the TNC people I've met on this trip are great. It's been a lot of fun to have Bailey along... she's very social. Most people love the hugs and kisses she insists on giving everyone. The not so fun part is picking all the ticks off her at the end of each night.
Great photography
Thanks Freelance! and thanks for stopping by!
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