Our week back in civilization has consisted of a broken toilet, burrowing moles, lawn mowing, angry chickens, laundry and more laundry. Bailey received a professional grooming. After a week in the desert, a total of 15 ticks had taken up residence on her body. Those as well as the imbedded cheat grass had to go.
I'm plugging along on the design of two web sites. As a print designer, this is a new challenge for me. Some differences include saturating the heck out of colors (which are now only made up of red, green and blue) and making decisions about what a link looks like when a cursor hovers over it versus what it looks like after its clicked on.
The garden is growing like crazy. Last night we had a huge salad with the two types of lettuce, cilantro, carrots and red potatoes. The potatoes are so yummy. I cut back the green stalks that were taking over the raised bed they're in and the potatoes are still growing under ground. Next year I'll be planting them somewhere else where they have more room to spread out... those are the best potatoes I've ever had! Even my daughter ate one on her salad!
While we were gone we almost missed the yummy Oregon strawberries that are the best thing to happen to June around here.

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*drools* Our strawberries are few and mostly eaten by bugs...
hi HorseFeathers, If you can come to Oregon in June, the strawberries will be well worth the trip... like candy I tell ya!
I hope you're having a good summer!
I'm so glad that you're finally getting to enjoy all that hard work you did in your garden this spring! Your salad sound delicious! We had red chard from the garden last evening. I wish I had planted more. It was so good. We always call those first potatoes "new" potatoes. They're my favorite. I like to par-boil them until almost tender and then pan fry them until they're crispy on the outside. Oh my goodness! You'd think you died and went to heaven.
Hi Susan, Yummy! I'm definitely going to cook up some potatoes that way. That's right up my alley these days. It's so fun having a garden again. Now if only our chickens were laying, we'd be quite content. They've decided to take a break for some reason... maybe the moles are scaring them?
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