Thursday, April 22, 2010

spring hike to Salmonberry River

Salmonberry River

“It’s a short hike to the falls.”

“You may want to wear some rubber boots, it can get sorta muddy.”

Driving on logging roads is only a good idea on weekends. The roads are not well marked, and even though we carried two maps (the old fashioned kind) and three GPS gadgets (I’m not sure why we had so many), as well as our iPhones (which early on read “no service”), we were so lost. We drove around in circles on narrow roads with steep drops to the valley below for two hours before we found the dead end road that joins the trail to the waterfalls. Why do those edges always seem so much closer from the perspective of a passenger seat?

The hike itself was also a bit treacherous. We encountered five washed out sections, forcing us to traverse through streams and over high rocks and muddy hillsides. When we did arrive, it was beautiful! There were even salmon (steelhead, I was informed) jumping, trying to make their way upstream. I got this picture of one. Well, most of one anyway.

Salmonberry River

Iz enjoyed skipping rocks. Bailey enjoyed chasing sticks. M enjoyed trying to photograph the jumping fish. I enjoyed eating my sandwich and cookie.

Salmonberry River

Salmonberry River

Happy Earth Day!

I hope you’re enjoying spring in a special way.


! said...

I LOVE THIS POST! Thank you for making my hair look pretty!!

- Izzy : )

Love you!

Susan said...

What a wonderful place to hike! Aren't you glad you persevered? I actually love the pic of the salmon heading out of the picture...he didn't want to be caught in any way, shape or form! haha. We haven't hiked since last fall...gotta get down to the hills. My hiking boots are calling me.

And Izzy's hair DOES look pretty, but then it always does, IMO!

Cindy said...

Thanks for your comment Sweetie! Your hair always looks pretty! I love you too!!

Cindy said...

Hi Susan, I am glad I persevered, but I sure was sore a couple days later. I'm blaming my rubber boots... not the best boots for hiking (or maybe it's because I'm out of shape). I'm looking forward to more hikes now that spring is here. It's a bit hard to recognize with all the rain we're having.

I snapped that photo of the salmon just as we arrived. Pure luck I got a fish in the frame at all. We must have scared them away, because we saw very few after that.

jazgal said...

Hats off to the persevering hikers!!
It usually worth the effort and the sore feet. The perfect place for sandwich and cookies and a bit o' fish watching - how cool is that!
Love the pictures these are my favorite off the beaten path places.
Here's to Spring in the Northwest!

(And I agree - I love Izzy's hair too :)